Unlock your authentic brand to magnetize your ideal clients


your authentic brand to magnetize your ideal clients

...without selling your soul

Crafting an authentic brand that feels just like you and magnetically attracts your soul tribe has just became a whole lot easier. This branding toolkit will guide you step-by-step through a proven branding process, so that you can DIY your way to an aligned brand strategy in just a few hours.


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The good news is... It's totally within your reach.

If this is something you secretly desire, put on hold your impostor syndrome for a moment and hit play on the video below.

What if you could impact more people by just owning your magic and sharing your unique gifts?


Now, raise your hand if...

  • You’re trying to engage on social media to attract clients, but you end up wasting your time and energy. Running in circles like a squirrel with rabies leaves you overwhelmed and exhausted.
  • You hesitate to share your offerings, afraid of inundating your audience with too much promotion because the line between sharing your gifts and being spammy looks kinda blurry.
  • You’re frustrated because the clients you attract don’t seem to understand what you do, or acknowledge the value you provide.
  • You’ve been frustrated about your brand identity, tweaking your colors or fonts every second week, not quite being able to pinpoint what makes you unique.
  • You've used branding workbooks but instead of giving you answers, they only left you with more questions...

Does any of those sound like you?

Oh, perfect!

That’s why the Universe has sent you here.

To be frank, attracting clients who see through the BS is tough because they’re like you and me. These folks can intuitively sense desperation or anything that feels inauthentic.

But here's the good news.

⛔ You don’t have to choose between staying true to yourself and thriving in business.

⛔ You don’t have to try harder to appeal to everyone.

⛔ You don’t have to be a snake oil salesman, or shove your stuff down people’s throats.

It’s exactly the opposite.

You already have what it takes, just the way you are.


So if you are ready to...

  • Gain absolute clarity about your brand and showing up with confidence as your true self, unapologetically...
  • Attract with ease the people who resonate with your heart-centered message, share the same values, and eagerly recommend you to their friends...
  • Focuse on your zone of genius instead of wasting time and energy on trying to randomly engage on social media...
  • Feel good about your marketing, and selling your services with joy. No more sleazy sales tactics, just genuine connection...
  • Grow your business by sharing your ideas with the people who are eager to listen, while making a real change....

...then KEEP READING, because I have a solution.

Whether you believe it or not, you are a magnet for your soul clients, Starseed. 

They’re waiting for you to show up, own your magic, tell your story and impact their lives.

They’re your fractal of people.
The folks you were meant to serve.
Your soul tribe.

Not just clients, but raving fans, ecstatic to work with you.

You just have to show up as your true self to let them recognize you.

I know it sounds simple… and ironically, it's the simple things that are the hardest to do.

But it works wonders.

And I’ll show you how.


The Heartfelt Brand Revolution

The only personal branding process that tells you where exactly to look for answers, instead of just leaving you with more questions.

It’s a proven approach I’ve used to help dozens of soulful entrepreneurs achieve deep, authentic connections by leveraging their unique energetic blueprints.

It’s also what I use in my own business to attract my soul clients.

This mechanism works by aligning your external brand expression with your inner truth and soul purpose, ensuring that every message resonates deeply with your ideal clients.

It's not about fitting in; it's about standing out by being authentically you.

Here’s the harsh truth: if your brand doesn’t reflect who you truly are, you’ll never connect deeply with your audience.

Think of it like wearing someone else's clothes… 

No matter how nice they look, or how expensive they are, if they don't fit your body or match your style, they just don’t feel right.

The same goes for marketing… there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

Many entrepreneurs waste time on trendy marketing tactics and generic branding workshops that don’t bring them any closer to their audience.

With The Heartfelt Brand Revolution, we strip all that away. In a single afternoon, you’ll realign your brand to match the real you—your unique vibe, your voice, your vision.


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Curious how this works?




Get crystal-clear about who you are, who you help, and how to speak about what you do to get noticed by the right people. 
Discovering who you were born to be and what you were here to teach helps to embrace your uniqueness and show up with more confidence.
When you have absolute clarity about your brand and show up as your true self, unapologetically, you effortlessly connect with your soul tribe at a deeper level.






So, what’s included?

Module #1

Dive Into Your Soul

This module empowers you to uncover the core of your brand, aligning your business with your true self. With the help of AI, you will find out how to leverage your unique energetic blueprint to create a brand that feels authentically YOU.

You’ll also uncover:

✅ The 3 elements that make up your brand's soul and where to find them in your energetic blueprint

✅ What is your purpose in this lifetime and how to infuse it in your authentic brand to magnetize your soul clients.

✅ Your real mission, which is the WHY behind your soulful business.

✅ How to use the power of your story to naturally attract people who resonate with your heart-centered message.

Module #2

Discover Your Soul Tribe

Identifying and understanding your soul client is often the missing link for soulful entrepreneurs looking to deepen their impact. This module takes you through the process of defining who your soul clients are, what they seek, and how best to serve them - without having to rely on made-up paper personas.

It will empower you to:

✅ Understand how your unique energy attracts and influences those who you were meant to serve.

✅ Define the exact qualities and characteristics of the people you want to work with, signalling the universe to send them your way.

✅ Figure out what your soul clients appreciate about you without having to ask them (because they probably would have a hard time putting it to words anyway).

✅ Create an ideal client profile without having to guess what's on their mind and wasting time on paper personas.

✅ Verify your assumptions about your soul clients, so that you can create better offers to meet their needs. 

Module #3

Define Your Secret Sauce

Many heart-based entrepreneurs struggle with defining what makes them unique. This module will help you find out what makes you truly shine.

You’ll find out:

✅ What is unique about you, according to your energetic blueprint.

✅ What your clients appreciate about working with you and where you can find this information.

✅ What your competition is at, using a competition research tool.

✅ How to define the benefits of working with you and communicate it in a way that resonates with your soul clients.

Module #4

Distill Your Brand Vibe

The last module is about defining how you will show up to the world to make your soul tribe notice and recognize you.

You’ll also uncover:

✅ How to embody your brands' essence by choosing the right Archetype.

✅ How to craft your authentic brand voice to genuinely connect with your soul tribe and clarify your brand’s message for maximum impact.

Also included...

  • One-Page Soul Client Profile Template to keep your dream clients’ struggles, dreams, and desires in sight while writing your content.
  • Brand Messaging Framework Template with formulas to help you distill and organize your brand message on one page.
  • 2 Brandboard Templates you can use to create an authentic visual expression of your brand.

Curious about what all those mysterious elements in your human design chart mean? This collection of prompts will empower you to reveal your soul blueprint with a little help of AI, instead of reading books, binge-watching Youtube, or paying for a Human Design reader services. Prepare to be amazed—it's all right there waiting for you.

If you're serious about attracting your soul clients and making them come back to you for more, you need more than just a product. This bonus will help you structure acompelling offer and plan your transition from working 1:1 with clients to an online business that is ready for scaling. The workbook included will guide you through the process of crafting a single offer that your soul clients actually need.

Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to capturing your audience's attention like a magnet. I've put together a killer collection of 50+ fill-in-the-blank headline templates that are designed to grab the attention of your soul clients. They're like gold dust for crafting titles that people can't resist clicking on.

Grab these Bonuses!

Showcase your unique brand with a new website! Get a $47 discount for One-Week Website Magic - a semi-custom web design service which is beautifully streamlined to deliver you a website of your dreams in as little as a week. The discount is valid for 1 year from purchase.

My Secret to Decoding Your Soul’s Blueprint


Your Heartfelt Offer
Planning Guide


50+ Magnetic Headline Templates


$47 Discount for Web Design


My 100% Money Back Guarantee

Go through The Heartfelt Brand Revolution. I guarantee you’ll never look at your business the same way as before.

But in case you don't find it useful to create a brand that captures your true essence, so that you can create a deeper connection with your audience and draw them in with more ease...

…I’ll give you a full refund, unconditionally.

Just send an email within 30 days from purchase to ✉️ and I'll take care of the rest.

There's really nothing to lose.
...and the best part?


Backed By a 30-Day Guarantee

What my clients are saying...

Who is the Heartfelt Brand Revolution for?

  • Aspiring and experienced entrepreneurs who take their businesses very personally. No matter how long you’ve been in business, you don’t think of it as just a way to make a living. It’s about fulfilling your life’s purpose.
  • Thought leaders and change-makers. If you wish to inspire change and impact more people and you’re serious about creating a community of loyal fans who can’t wait for your next offer - this is the foundation you will need to make it happen.
  • Those who are solution-oriented and busy. You’re done with wasting time on posting on social media and don’t have the time to do lengthy online courses to create a thriving online presence, you’ll appreciate the simplicity of my method and how fast you can implement it. 
  • Those who are open to methods that go beyond the material plane. If you don’t mind a little woo-woo, you will be surprised how accurate this is.
  • Those who enjoy the DIY. You will be able to uncover your energetic blueprint and translate it into an authentic brand without having to do coaching, hiring brand strategists, or asking a Human Design reader for help. 

Who is this NOT for?

  • Anyone who isn’t ready to uncover the truth and show up authentically. If you want to keep hiding behind pretty colors and fancy fonts, you won’t be happy with my method.
  • Anyone who isn’t willing to invest their time into developing an authentic personal brand. Crafting a brand is just the first step, building its authority online is another story.

The world needs your magic, Unicorn.

And you deserve an online presence that truly reflects your brilliance and resonates with those who need your genius…

…a business that fulfills your soul’s mission…

…and all the abundance that comes with sharing your gifts with the world.


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But... Who Am I To Help You Clarify Your Brand?

Hey, it's Marta Lebre, your digital wizard.

Four years ago, I started my business as a web designer in the middle of COVID pandemic without an authentic brand strategy... or any strategy, to tell you the truth. 🙈

..and it led me to total frustration and overwhelm. 😣

I jumped from one thing to another like a squirrel with rabies, wasting my energy on things that didn’t matter.

Surprisingly enough, I was able to attract people even before I had my own website… but they weren’t the kind of people I wished to work with.

Out of fear, I took on every project sent by the Universe and charged ridiculously low rates for the time and effort I invested in it, working my ass off and getting very little recognition. 🤦🏻‍♀️

I intuitively knew it was about creating an ⚡authentic⚡ online presence, but had to go through a long process of self-discovery to figure this out for myself.

And this is how I stumbled upon Human Design, which turned out to be a game changer.

I jumped head-first into this rabbit hole and found clarity about what I came here to be in this lifetime, and who I was born to serve.

I understood I wasn’t just yet another web designer…

As a Human Design 2/4 Generator with an insane number of activations in gate 51⚡, I am here to help you crack the surface and shift your perspective about marketing your holistic practice.

Through the process I am sharing with you now,  I found the courage to work under my own name, without hiding behind a brand or someone else’s back, and gained more confidence to share my unique message online.

Now I've gone on to help many people create brands that truly reflect their essence and attract their ideal clients, without feeling sleazy EVER AGAIN.

Which is why I created The Heartfelt Brand Revolution.

To help heart-based businesses and spiritual entrepreneurs get visible, connected, and thriving online so they can make a bigger impact and fulfill their higher purpose—even if they think marketing isn’t their forte.

Here’s a Few Answers to Common Questions I Get About The Heartfelt Brand Revolution

Is this an online course? What format is it?

No, it's a branding process organized in a collection of work books that guide you step-by-step. It doesn't include any video or live classes. I wanted it to be fast, actionable, and affordable.

I have no idea about marketing. Is this for me?

Of course! That’s the whole point. I put my process into workbooks to empower you to create an authentic brand and mindful marketing strategy even if marketing isn’t your zone of genius. Each workbook builds upon the previous one, so that you can take care of all aspects one step at a time.

How will this process help me create a spiritual brand that is authentic?

There's something magnetic about someone who embraces their uniqueness, quirks and all. I find it soo refreshing in a world filled with cookie-cutter personas and polished facades. When you show up as your genuine self, that’s when the magic happens. The Heartfelt Brand Revolution is your secret sauce for uncovering what makes you truly special. Through practical exercises and tools, it guides you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you tap into your authentic essence and showcase it proudly to the world.

How is this different from other branding workbooks?

This product blends my knowledge of marketing with Human Design, a mind-blowing tool for self-discovery and spiritual growth. The workbooks included not only ask you questions but also guide you to find tailor-made answers in your unique energetic blueprint with a little help of ChatGPT.

What if I haven’t started my business yet, can I still use this process for my branding?

Sure thing! This process was designed to help you get your brand strategy, offer, and communication right from the start and avoid wasting your precious time on trial and error.

Will I get an invoice?

Absolutely! I’m a sole trader registered in the EU and I issue VAT invoices. After purchase, you will receive a payment confirmation. This is enough for many countries, but if you need a VAT invoice, just send me a message containing your company details at, and I’ll get one for you.

Do you offer refunds?

Your satisfaction means the world to me. If there's anything that doesn't quite hit the mark for you, please don't hesitate to shoot me a message. I'm here to make sure you're thrilled with your purchase.

But if this doesn't work for you and you want your money back, please request your refund within in 30 days from purchase by sending an email at

All clear?

If there's anything else that you would like to ask me, feel free to get in touch. Drop me a message at, and I'll be happy to clarify any doubts you might have!


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The Heartfelt Brand Revolution


  • Dive into Your Soul WORKBOOK
  • Discover Your Soul Tribe WORKBOOK
  • Define your Secret Sauce WORKBOOK
  • Distill Your Brand Vibe WORKBOOK
  • Client Research Checklist
  • Crystal-Clear Brand Messaging Framework
  • 2x Brand Board Templates for Canva
  • Soul Client Profile Template for Canva

Join the Heartfelt Brand Revolution

Backed By a 30-Day Guarantee

The only personal branding process that tells you where exactly to look for answers, instead of just leaving you with more questions.

Launch Price: $47 

...and the BONUSES:

  • BONUS #1: My Secret to Decoding Your Soul's Blueprint
  • BONUS #2: Heartfelt Offer Planning Guide
  • BONUS #3: 50+ Magnetic Headline Templates
  • BONUS #4: $47 Discount for One-Week Website Magic